
This has never happened before, and it will never happen again; it’s called . . . “Today.” Cherish it in peace. – Chris

Chris Mentch

“You’re a piece of the sun, so shine like one.”
From The Amber Cradle of Forever’s Day, copyright Chris Mentch 2014

The pages to follow contain a collection of pieces I’ve written, and in the case of the music, written and recorded. This website is a venue as much for the curious as the familiar, the new acquaintance and the old friend, the seeker and the sage.  In all cases, however, it is a place to share.

Since life is enriched in sharing our experiences and stories, our thoughts and our memories, our aspirations and our dreams, it is my hope that as you explore the site, it may open your eyes to something new or perhaps revive a distant memory.  Maybe it will have you consider a different point of view, or maybe find that you are not as alone as perhaps you thought you were in some regard.  It is also my intention to create a space in each piece where a topic can be considered more deeply than our hectic lives often allow.  For, if we are to live life deliberately, then we must allow time for true consideration, whether it be a particular event, or the experiences of a lifetime; a long held belief, or a new found approach.  Since I am a firm believer that there is often a deeper meaning in what may seem commonplace occurrences, I’ll touch on that here as well.  Or, perhaps this site is simply where you might find a way to express how you may have felt at some time in your life when the right words just would not come.

In any and in all cases, I would ask you to simply consider this:  That life is a beautiful, dramatic and deeply meaningful play; it’s ending as yet unwritten.  Indeed, we are all characters in this story, but we are also its authors.  We are, each of us, free to write the future upon the empty pages before us.  They open at the dawn of every day; a newborn, full of possibilities and treasures.  Our future awaits those of us who are willing to hold close the notion that we are all in this together.  Our fates and our combined wisdom are intimately connected and it will serve us all well to remember that while we are each of us unique, we are all more the same than we are different.  So, please be kind to one another.

I hope you will find something in the pages that follow to call your very own.

It is my pleasure to share these thoughts with you, As I See It.


Chris Mentch

I am proud to acknowledge all graphics and web design, graphic arts, audio and multimedia design for As I See It is provided exclusively by Berber Studios, Goleta, California.  With special thanks to Diego Berber whose technical acumen and creative prowess have been invaluable. As I See It logo by Chris Mentch with special thanks to Billy Argel Fonts and Rainbow Creations.

I am also very proud to acknowledge that all photography is exclusively the artwork courtesy of Joanna DeGeneres.  All the world is a canvas for her instincts and skill.  A master at capturing and presenting all that makes up the true core of a person, to anyone who, even for an instant, glances at her work.  Thank you Jo.

In keeping with tradition here on As I See It, of joining with artists and technicians who are simply naturals at their chosen craft, I am proud to share the exquisitely beautiful and inspired artwork of world renowned artist Carol Cavalaris with you all.  Her ability to express and share the spirit that lives in the precincts of the wild is empathic and unmatched in the world of digital art.  Her work pays tribute to the strength and grace of her subjects, all the while honoring and respecting their transcendent spirit that touches the human soul in ways words often hold within reach, yet beyond grasp.  I am honored to have come to call such a talented person my friend and I am delighted to share her lovely inspiring work with you all.  Thank you, Carol.

All original content, music and lyrics © 2019, Chris Mentch. As I See It® is a trademark of Chris Mentch, 2015. All rights reserved. Photo credits: Caleigh Photography and Joanna DeGeneres.