September Journal – Autumn’s Gentle Approach
I love this time of year. I love the way it looks; the way it smells; the way it tastes. It’s great to see how people start to rearrange their lives, taking their lead, once again, from mother nature, rearranging the stage our lives play out upon. Nature dresses up the out of doors in a decidedly different and celebratory state of attire. Full vibrant colors for deep contemplation of the richness and treasures she freely grants those of us who are willing to take the time to drink in and to consider. We follow her lead and change our look as well. I’m not an expert on fashion by any means, but even I can see the change in texture, tone and contrast; indeed, I can taste it. From the clothes we wear, to the sleeping grass, to a hillside set in such delightful repose, so beautiful yet so shy she blushes, I can sense it. From the chilled air that transforms words to mist, dew to crystal and whispers to the ponies, “you are all racers! Run ponies run!” It’s time for everyone and everything to play “dress-up” and play like the children that we are, but seldom allow ourselves to be. This, my friends, is rebirth.
This time of year things just “look” differently. The sun’s angle relative to the earth while always changing is now noticeably different. The shadows are longer; the days shorter. A gentle caring nudge is a great signal to all of us that it is healthy, once in a while, to pause and change our approach or outlook to things around and within us and our relationships to them. How do I effect the lives of those I care about, or people I have just recently met. How have they affected me. “How may I be available to you?” How have I grown? What have I learned? What changes would be good to consider, and of those I’ve considered, which should I cast aside? To what or to whom will I commit myself to in the coming year and why? What spaces still lay empty in my life and how will I fill them? All this, as a result of autumn’s gentle approach.
It’s good then, I think, to welcome this gentle season of change with humility and grace. To recognize that we all cast our own shadows by the light of creation, and that that very light still shines deep within each of us. It offers us a chance to simply celebrate “being”, and whispers to us all “you are all racers children! Run children, run!!!
Happy Autumn Everyone, and as always, Peace!
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